Friday, June 30, 2006


The problem with blogging is that that you should be ready with the content when the time demands. I have never had a constructive thought about anything...that is, I am never sure of anything...the reason being that there is so much free knowledge littered around, that you start feeling disillusioned and never know which is right. Just visit a few blog site or information sites....there is fair amount of free will displayed and the authority of the language makes you believe that what is printed on the screen is right.

Monday, June 26, 2006

Business & communication

Eventhough by profession, I am an accountant, I am beginning to realise that I mostly do communicating than the real profession of accountancy. Out of the eight hours or more, I spent at office, 90% of the time is spent doing jobs which are related to passing of informations. This is done through a variety of modes...especially via email. So, at the end of the day, what matters most is how good I was at communicating than how good I was at accounting.

Nowadays, information is within your hand reach...the addresses are at your figure tip..aided by the 'www' revolution. I don't think anybody is buying encyclopedias nowadays. Morever, knowledge accumulation has to be done on minute to minute basis as things are becoming obsolete in no time. Consistency is a thing of past now....and 'now' is happening.

Skipping from the main line...I found this at "Alchemist"...

[Destiny] is what you have always wanted to accomplish. Everyone, when they are young, knows what their destiny is. At that point in their lives, everything is clear and possible. They are not afraid to dream, and to yearn for everything they would like to see happen to them in their lives. But as time passes, a mysterious force begins to convince them that it will be impossible for them to realize their destiny.It's a force which appears to be negative, but actually shows you how to realize your destiny. It prepares your spirit and your will; because there is one great truth on this planet: whoever you are, whatever it is that you do, when you are really want something, it's because that desire originated in the soul of the universe. It's your mission on earthTo realize one's destiny is a person's only real obligation. And when you want something, the universe conspires in helping you achieve it.

Sunday, June 25, 2006

Mediocrity & Genius

In the real sense, putting thoughts into exact words is difficult. Expressing ourselves is a difficult art...that's the real difference between a genius and mediocre person. Everybody is gifted with wonderful thoughts and it is unique and individualistic by nature...just by understanding this uniqueness will give us enough pride to express ourselves. Born as human being we are supposed to express ourselves in our own unique way....finding this unique quality or talent is the essence of life. The idea is not to compromise on our capabilities or talents.

The centre idea of Ayn Rand's books were about this uniqueness, which was displayed by the protagonistic. There is always a conflict between the mediocre person who has compromised his thoughts ( which always flows with the tide of society) and so-called genius, who does not compromise his ideas and goes about proving his worth. Most of the time, these people are cornered and subject to tiring tests to prove there claims. And most of the time, the mediocre with there excellent social skills, push the genius to the background and gets the credit. In real life, mediocrity always wins...for the time being...but it does not withstand the necessity to prove.

The afterthought is tht society always fears people who does not conform to the traditional pattern and they loathe change of any nature....

Saturday, June 24, 2006

What I am?

What I am?

01. I am what I think I am
02. my knowledge about myself is as much as the other person knows about me
03. I am almost predictable
04. I don’t trust anybody since I don’t trust myself
05. My values are not well defined
06. my confidence level fluctuates
07. my world is confined to the area I live in
08. I lost interest in sports b’coz I am not playing any now
09. my life does not circle around anything…does it? Yeah…that is a secret
10. my interest lies in????? prioritized not necessarily according to list below
a. books
b. developing myself…maybe a brand soon
c. girls
d. little bit of information about happenings around the world
e. music
f. friendship
g. loving
11. I don’t have any idea about what I am doing with my life?
12. love my son
13. my pendulum of life is not fixated…it is wayward
14. what I look to do.?
a. reading
b. traveling
c. working may be
d. chatting may be
15. movies that I love
a. any movie that does not test viewers intelligence
b. anything that makes sense
c. GODFATHER…seems to be my alter ego
d. Nayagan in India
e. That talks about relationship
f. That talks about human values
g. That does not invade the privacy of lovers
h. That has a world in itself
i. That is not a shadow of life…but a piece of life
16. my idols
a. I am wondering
b. Still I am wondering
c. Maybe me
d. The beautiful me
e. My reflection in the mirror
f. The puzzling me
g. Still that big narcisstic ME

Sunday, June 18, 2006

MST you did this week?

What is the most significant thing you did this week?

Occassionally I stumble upon such profound questions...yeah...I do ask this question at the end of everyday. I never had a good answer to this question. When the time starts where upon you don't have a answer to this question...I think the situation is quite dangerous. It is most important that we have some purpose or meaning in our life...agreed that at the term end of our life...we will be left with nothing..but then dying even while we are living is as good as living without a purpose or objective. Frankly speaking if somebody questions me, what is the purpose of my life...then I might have a blank expression. When I run the slides of all the activities I had done during this week, nothing corresponds to what I really want to do with this life. I am nursing a wish , which I don't even have the confidence to tell or talk about. Nothing anti-social or mean about is all about my level of confidence and effort I take. Again...let me be little frank...did I do something today to further my wish...NO.

This week I want to focus on the following issues...

  1. my academic interests - that will enhance my resume.
    - I should spend more time reading books related to academic interest....whereas
    I spent most part of leisure time(while outside office) reading fiction.
  2. my profession relationship - that will enhance my presence in the top management
    - I maintain a very low profile with my other department colleagues mostly b'coz I
    don't have time to interact and also I don't see any reason to do so...the only advantage
    such an attitude has is that I keep away from office politics
  3. Managin money matters - increased purchasing power.
    - once in a while, there is heavy flow of cash and I get an increased sense of purchasing is power, if used sensibly...being a spontaneous buyer, I need to lock
    my purse to save money for the winter.

    "If we all did things that we are capable of doing, we would literally astound ourselves"
    - Thomas Edison

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

29 minutes before midnight

I have started hearing the small breathing hissing sound made by my family members while they sleep. For the past 2 years, it has become a habit with me to stay-up till 12 in the midnight. When I was young, beyond 10.30 pm, was midnight and we were told that creepy shadows moved around and so we were asked to close our eyes. The fact is that time moves so fast that it zips by and catching up with the luxuries are rare nowadays. There are days when I have enough time even then I waste it wondering what to attend to first.
When I am drowsy, my mind stops working and dreamy, unrecognizable world takes over. My whole perception changes and I am not what I was few hours back.

And then as I was browsing, I stumbled upon this nice song by Katie Melua…never heard about her before…but this song is good....I got it from her Myspace site. True to the sounds as if just in heaven.

Saturday, June 10, 2006


do I write or make an attempt at it? Most of the time, when I try to write something, my mind runs around in search of contents. This seems to be a life without much happening in it. I have seen minds which are treasure trove of information and perspectives. I worship those inquisitive and sensitive minds. Those are minds of people who really live and rather they don't let life bypass them. They always have something interesting to say or write about. There thoughts are not in coherent with the general opinion of the lay man. I like people like that, who voice out who they are really in this jungle of homogeny.

Friday, June 09, 2006

50 minutes before midnight

We got our freedom during the midnight and and I am getting mine just 50 minutes before. I have decided to go for a fresh blog site, which will showcase my perspective about the day and the casual thoughts about it. Right now, since it is almost midnight, my thoughts are all about sleep and having a good dream to wake me up in the morning